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Miércoles 10 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. (ET) 🇺🇸 6:00 p.m. 🇪🇨

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Fernando Barrios Ipenza

Chairman of the Board of Directors
With more than 40 years in higher education, Fernando is the Founder and President of Organización Educativa Continental, composed of Universidad Continental, Instituto Continental,Escuela de Posgrado Continental, Centro de Idiomas, Continua,and Continental Florida University. The organization currently serves more than 72 thousand students. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Caja de Ahorros del Centro, and member of the Board of Directors of FIPES.
Dr. Fernando Barrios Ipenza
Fundador y Presidente de la Organización Educativa Continental
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Úrsula Sánchez Ponce
Commercial Assistant Manager en Continental Florida University

Leticia Baquerizo Guzmán

AnyConv.com__leticia baquerizo
Consul General of Ecuador in Miami, Florida
Dr. Fernando Barrios Ipenza
Fundador y Presidente de la Organización Educativa Continental
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Úrsula Sánchez Ponce
Commercial Assistant Manager en Continental University of Florida

Carolina Barrios Verand

Executive Director at CFU
Postgraduate specializations in Innovation, Commercial Management, Financial Management, Business Intelligence, Strategic Management and Product Management. She holds a Master Business Administration (MBA) degree from Babson College in the United States and 12 years of experience in educational organizations, telecommunications companies and consulting. She has served in roles as Business Development Manager and Strategy Leader at Continental University, Finance Controller at Entel Perú, Product Head Manager at Americatel, Financial Analyst in consultancies such as AXXION Capital Partners and Reaño Asesores Financieros, among other roles.
/ Designer

¿Deseas más información? Contacta a nuestra Key Account Manager

Correo Electrónico: fmarky@continentaluniversity.us

Número Corporativo: +1 7866309785

Adress: 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive Office 893 Miami, Florida 33126

Conoce más sobre Continental Florida University en Ecuador y los beneficios que tiene para ti

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