Aimed at
Students who are currently pursuing a university degree and want to double their opportunities with a double degree. Consult with our specialists.

The International Double Degree is an admission program with which you study simultaneously at Continental Florida University 100% virtual and at your current university. At the end of your studies you will graduate with two degrees, one from the country of your current university and one from the United States.
Why should you choose a Double Degree at CFU?
- A U.S. Degree will boost your profile by making you stand out in the national and international market.
- Expand your employability opportunities by internationalizing your profile.
- Validate courses already taken, so you can shorten your study time at CFU and earn your U.S. degree.
- Obtain exclusive certifications from Harvard Business Publishing Education for being a CFU DD student.
- Access to face-to-face weeks in Miami, Madrid and Barcelona, thanks to our strategic alliances with Florida International University and ISDI Spain.
What should I submit?
- Idetification Document (ID).
- Transcript of grades from a higher education institution and its English translation.
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