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Alliances that enhance your global perspective

Participate in the international route at the FIU campus in Miami, Florida. Learn from professionals with a 4-day workshop on "High Tech-Entrepreneurship and Digital Communications".

Join the international route in Madrid, Spain in agreement with ISDI Digital Business School. Learn about e-commerce and digital business in a 5-day journey.
With this international agreement with Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay (Argentina) we generate knowledge exchange, joint events and much more.

With this international agreement with Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia) we generate knowledge exchange, joint events and much more.

With this international agreement with Entropía Educativa (Colombia) we generate joint events, academic publications and much more.

With this international agreement with Laccei (USA) we generate joint events, international conferences and much more.

Live an international experience
At Continental Florida University you not only experience multiculturalism and a global perspective in class, but you also have experiential alternatives with our partners in different parts of the world. Experience international learning with digital experts for business innovation.
International routes
You will be able to participate in face-to-face workshops with our strategic allies in different countries, where you will learn from international professionals about technological topics applicable to the global industry.

Double degrees
Academic program with which you can access a double degree at your home university and Continental Florida University. We create academic agreements with global institutions for more internationalization opportunities.
Sustainable development
Connection with international organizations to jointly promote the sustainable development of the publics of influence throughout Latin America.
Corporate alliances
Agreements with various corporate organizations for the training of professionals specialized in their sector. As a member of these alliances, you will be able to access different CFU benefits.