Do you need more information about transferring to CFU
Aimed at
All those interested in obtaining a U.S. degree virtually and who are pursuing their studies in colleges or universities in a career related to the portfolio of Continental Florida University.

Admission process External Transfer
Why transfer to CFU?
- Finish your degree in up to 2 years virtually (Time subject to the student's availability and performance, as well as validated credits).
- Scholarship of up to 50% of your monthly tuition.
- International certifications that will enhance your professional resume.
- English at a professional level, preparing you to an advanced C1 level (Cambridge).
- U.S. degree recognizable in several countries around the world.
- Teachers with international professional and academic experience in: USA, Canada, Spain, UK, Japan, Chile, Colombia, and others.
- Face-to-face week in International Routes in the United States or Spain.
What should I submit?
- Identification Card - ID.
- Transcript of grades (apostilled) from a higher education institution and translation in English.
- Syllabus of all higher education courses you wish to transfer to Continental Florida University, which will be evaluated to establish the level where you will continue your studies with us.
Ready to move to CFU?
Start your transfer process by contacting one of our specialists to find out the step-by-step process to follow.