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Aimed at:
Brilliant minds who already have a professional undergraduate degree and are eager to take on new challenges with a Master's degree. Professionals who wish to turn their experience into an opportunity to boost their career.

Admission process Graduate
Who can apply to CFU?
- Professionals who have graduated and hold a professional university degree.
What should I submit?
- Identification Card - ID.
- Undergraduate Diploma, its translation into English and apostille.
- Undergraduate transcript of records, with English translation and apostille.
- Essay with your short and long term post-master's professional goals, answering: How do your professional strengths, experience and personal attributes align with these goals? (Maximum 350 words in Spanish).
- Letter of recommendation from your boss, co-worker, client or professor, commenting on the work experience he/she has had with you as an applicant (in Spanish).
Follow the step by step
Here we share with you the steps to follow so you can start your graduate admission process.

Have you already registered?
Log in to the Admissions Platform and complete the process.