

Leading international companies to success

Learn to apply business strategies in changing and complex environments. Become a professional with a global perspective who uses innovative methods to manage and develop business while generating value.

Career in Business Administration

Start date:

January 6


100% virtual and in spanish


4 years - 120 credits


$140 per credit



The career deepens the analytical component to lead businesses in the context of the fourth industrial revolution of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.



It provides advanced competencies so that you can perform in any business environment and achieve the management of today's businesses.

Global perspective

Global perspective

You will learn in current contexts that contemplate the diversity and characteristics of the global and local society.

Sustainable approach

Sustainable approach

Guidance in the implementation of sustainable strategies applied to the specific needs of the real market.

Leadership and management

Leadership and management

During your career you will develop strong management and value creation skills to lead multidisciplinary teams.


Recognizable in several countries around the world


Talents of international scope

  • Willingness and autonomy to deal with the requirements of virtual education.
  • Passionate about business and the corporate world.
  • Ability to organize, manage, analyze, lead, project and work in teams.
  • To have technological knowledge.

In the career you will learn

  • Design and management of sustainable business processes in global environments.
  • Strategies to minimize environmental risks and management for decision making.
  • Appropriate and innovative quantitative and computational methods to generate value.
  • Performance improvement of management indicators with strategies during the business operating cycle.
  • Value generation by identifying and applying various innovation methodologies in the business development process.
  • HR management, logistics and operational resource management, financial management, and processes to evaluate strategies.

Progressive certifications

Basic Management Skills

Strategic Management

Agile Project Management

Explore our brochure for more details

Complete the form and access our U.S. career brochure.

Job opportunities upon graduation

Upon completion of your studies at Continental Florida University in Business Administration, you will have a wide variety of positions you could apply for, as well as better salary benefits thanks to your U.S. degree.


Average Wage

USA: $ 50,826 (annual)


Average Wage

Florida: $ 47,871 (annual)


Job openings to 2028

Florida: 453,999

Leadership positions in:

production, commercial and executive, project, and HR.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics United States.


Explore our curricular grid

Learn about the courses you will take during your academic training at Continental Florida University, which will provide you with professional tools from the first semester.

See curricular grid

Meet your future professors

Learn and receive guidance from experts and practitioners with extensive international professional and academic experience.


Lawyer and expert in international business, entrepreneurship and formulation of international business plans. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (ARG) and a Master in International Law from the Kiev State University (UKR). He also holds: - Master in Education, Universidad Andrés Bello (CHI). - Bachelor in International Law, Kiev State University (UKR).

Miguel Capuñay


Current Sr. Manager Product Management (IA Platform) at Konecta - Spain. Jeff has extensive experience in value strategies for top companies in Latam and, now, Europe. Jeff has: - Master in Governance of People and Organizations from Universidad de Piura (Peru). - Master in Business Administration from INCAE Business School (Costa Rica). - Master in Technology Management from Universidad de Piura (Peru).

Jeff Felipa