Talents of international scope
- Willingness and autonomy to meet the requirements of virtual education.
- Analytical, critical and reflective skills.
- Ingenuity and interest to innovate and seek solutions for the operation and optimization of things.
Become a professional who generates innovative solutions, capable of facing complex situations with effective strategies. Develop skills to actively develop within multidisciplinary teams.
Start date:
September 3
100% virtual and in spanish
4 years - 120 credits
$140 per credit
Instructs in the optimization of resources and management of information systems for goods and services, applicable to any type of organization.
Strategic thinking
Develops strategic thinking to face the current dynamics of organizations.
Global perspective
It trains in current contexts that contemplate the diversity and characteristics of the global and local society.
Leadership and management
During your career you will develop strong management and value creation skills to lead multidisciplinary teams.
Recognizable in several countries around the world
Basic Management Skills
Production and Supply Chain
Lean Systems
Industrial Safety
Complete the form and access our U.S. career brochure.
Upon completion of your studies at Continental University of Florida in Industrial Engineering, you will have a wide variety of positions you could apply for, as well as better salary benefits thanks to your U.S. degree.
Average Wage
USA: $ 66,012 (annual)
Average Wage
Florida: $ 68,625 (annual)
Job openings to 2028
Florida: 7,980
Positions as:
Production Leader, Business Management Consultant, Production Manager, and Quality Manager.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics United States.
Learn about the courses you will take during your academic training at Continental University of Florida, which will provide you with professional tools from the first semester.
See curricular gridLearn and receive guidance from experts and practitioners with extensive international professional and academic experience.
He has more than 25 years of experience in financial administrative management positions, mainly in the mining, electricity, infrastructure projects, consulting and education sectors. He is a graduate in Industrial Engineering with MBA and MDFC degrees.
Alfonso Jaime
Director of Research, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Continental. Master of Disaster Management from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS, Japan). Member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World.
Nabilt Moggiano
Director of Research, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Continental. Master of Disaster Management from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS, Japan). Member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World. Industrial Engineer and MBA with 12 years of experience in Retail Banking and Technology. She has led strategic projects in commercial and financial areas, as well as the leadership of Customer Experience, Customer Success and Innovation teams.
Patricia Calderón