

Understand human behavior for social welfare

Become an expert with a scientific perspective, being able to understand the human mind and behavior from its sociocultural, biological and individual influences.

Major in Psychology

Start date:

May 5, 2025


100% virtual and in spanish


4 years - 120 credits


$140 per credit


Transversal counseling

It provides tools for counseling applicable in group programs, community programs, mainstream institutions and other social outreach contexts.



It encourages the incorporation into research groups, analysis, trends, projects and evaluations of social programs in order to explore new methodologies.


Global perspective

It trains in current contexts that contemplate the diversity and characteristics of the global society, preparing you to work in any location.


Leadership and management

During your career you will develop strong management and value creation skills to lead multidisciplinary teams.


Recognizable in several countries around the world


Talents of international scope

  • Willingness and autonomy to meet the requirements of virtual education.
  • Sensitivity to the problems of others, critical thinking, analysis of reality, service vocation and listening skills.
  • Interest in understanding human and social behavior.

In the major you will learn

  • Psychological, emotional, cognitive, and social components of human behavior.
  • Various disciplines in psychology, as well as major theories and history of psychology.
  • Psychological research methods, including data collection and analysis.
  • Research ethics with a focus on psychological methodologies.
  • Social responsibility and ethics in a diverse world.
  • The use of scientific reasoning and critical thinking.

Progressive certifications

Basic Management Skills

Social programs in psychology

Couseling psychology

Explore our brochure for more details

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Job opportunities upon graduation

Upon completion of your studies at Continental Florida University in Psychology, you will have a wide variety of positions you could apply for, as well as better salary benefits thanks to your U.S. degree.


Average Wage

USA: $ 72,694 (annual)


Average Wage

Florida: $ 71,179 (annual)


Job openings to 2028

Florida: 134,047

Positions such as:

Psychologist in family therapy, behavioral and mental health; Social Services Leader, HR Leader or Consultant for corporate recruitment.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics United States.


Explore our curricular grid

Learn about the courses you will take during your academic training at Continental Florida University, which will provide you with professional tools from the first semester.

See curricular grid

Meet your future professors

Learn and receive guidance from experts and practitioners with extensive international professional and academic experience.

ivan montes-1

Doctor in Educational Sciences and Master in Psychology. He is a Rational Emotive and Behavioral Psychotherapist - Certified by the Albert Ellis Institute of New York (USA). Consultant for international organizations such as the World Bank, IDB, Unicef and DANIDA of Denmark.

Iván Montes

Eduardo Chalco

Psychologist and RENACYT level VI researcher specialized in socioemotional development of adolescents. Expert in multivariate quantitative data analysis using R, Mplus and SPSS. Currently, director of research and intellectual creativity at UMA.

Eduardo Chalco

Benito Rosas

D. in dynamic, clinical and developmental psychology and a Master's degree in drug dependence. He also has a Master's degree in contextual therapies/third generation. He has a specialization in psychosocial and family mediation. He has experience directing NGOs focused on vulnerable populations.

Benito Rosas