

Become a key player in decision making

Be a professional with the ability to analyze data to make intelligent and informed decisions. Be prepared to provide solutions to a variety of real, technological, social and/or business problems.

Major in Data Science

Start date:

September 3


100% virtual and in spanish


4 years - 120 credits


$140 per credit


Anticipated vision

It prepares current and future oritención based on the analysis and resolution of data.


Data and decisions

It deepens in the application, use and processing of data for decision making according to business needs.


Global perspective

It trains in current contexts that contemplate the diversity and characteristics of the global and local society.


Leadership and management

During your career you will develop strong management and value creation skills to lead multidisciplinary teams.



Develops Data Management, Machine Learning and Data Mining skills.

Recognizable in several countries around the world


Talents of international scope

  • Willingness and autonomy to meet the requirements of virtual education.
  • Interest in transforming large volumes of data into business decisions through the analysis and interpretation of information sources, data and numerical bases.
  • Analytical and mathematical skills.

In the career you will learn

  • To develop the capacity to collect data.
  • To manage and prepare data, separating the relevant and priority from the secondary and unnecessary noise.
  • To analyze data in order to turn it into information that can be used for timely decision making.
  • Data modeling, respecting ethical principles and professional responsibility.

Progressive certifications

Basic Management Skills

Business Analytics Certificate

Machine Learning

Explore our brochure for more details

Complete the form and access our U.S. career brochure.

Job opportunities upon graduation

Upon completion of your studies at Continental University of Florida in Data Science, you will have a wide variety of positions you could apply for, as well as better salary benefits thanks to your U.S. degree.


Average Wage

USA: $ 50,826 (annual)


Average Wage

Florida: $ 47,871 (annual)


Job openings to 2028

Florida: 5,971

Positions such as:

Business and Industry Intelligence Analytics Lead, Software Developer, Data Scientist, Data Analysis and Production Lead.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics United States.


Explore our curricular grid

Learn about the courses you will take during your academic training at Continental University of Florida, which will provide you with professional tools from the first semester.

See curricular grid

Meet your future professors

Learn and receive guidance from experts and practitioners with extensive international professional and academic experience.

Alan Ferrandiz

Master in Business Analytics with more than 18 years of experience in Data Science, Analytics and Business Management. Current Co-Founder and Data Engineer at Core Analitica, a company dedicated to empower organizations with technological solutions and generate Data-Driven Insights.

Alan Ferrandiz

kevin palomino-1

Industrial Engineer, Mathematician and Data Scientist. He has certifications in Web Application Developer, in Neural Networks and Deep Learning, and as Data Scientist. He was coordinator at the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) in Colombia.

Kevin Palomino


Master in Computer Science. President of the CLEI Venezuela Foundation, President of the Venezuelan Society of Computer Science and current Director of the Data Science research area at the International University of Valencia (VIU).

Yudith Cardinale